President’s Message

First, I want to thank our immediate past president Derick Malis (2021–2024) for his leadership as we worked our way out of Covid and for making my transition seamless. I’ll continue to rely on his views as I move forward.

I’d like to introduce myself to all members of LLI. Even if you don’t know me personally, you may be familiar with my name and my work in various positions as LLI vice president, chair of the Forum Committee, member of the Nominating Committee, chair of the Foodies & Friends SIG, member of the Scholarship Committee, and current chair of the Curriculum Committee. I am looking forward to my new position as president with excitement and trepidation. Excitement, because I believe that LLI’s best moments can be ahead of us. Trepidation, because I know words are easy and reality far more difficult. Trepidation has already vaulted to the top: for the next several months I will be continuing as chair of the Curriculum Committee as well as president, but it will be a top priority to find a new Curriculum Committee chair (perhaps the most important position in LLI). But there is excitement even in this challenge because I have confidence that our members will step up to help out the organization.

I’m going to keep my comments to a minimum this month, but in the coming months I will focus on a couple of issues each month. I will close by saying that I know I cannot do this alone, nor can the Board. I urge you to send me your concerns and ideas. If you want me to cover an issue in a newsletter, let me know! I will try to respond to your emails as promptly as possible. Remember, our strength is our members!

Patti Volz (
President, LLI/NOVA