President’s Message

A very Happy New Year to everyone in our LLI/NOVA family!

We have much to look forward to in 2025.  LLINOVA is in a pretty healthy place, but we still need new members to offset those who have not returned after the Covid pandemic. Let’s all make an extra effort to recruit folks this winter and spring. If you learn of anyone wanting more information about LLI, feel free to pass them my email or that of any member of the Board. Also, in order to make the organization all it can be, I urge everyone to volunteer in any way to contribute to LLI. We aren’t seeking experts, just people willing to help out. And, the more volunteers, the less there is to do for any one of us.

As you probably know from email sent to you by our administrator, Janice, the winter/spring class catalog is out and registration is open. The Forum Committee is finalizing our Forum presenters for the rest of the year and we have some very interesting lectures coming up, including one on Alcatraz by someone whose grandfather worked on the island! Also, Cultural Excursions and Visual and Performing Arts are offering some excellent spring outings and shows.

The primary glaring gap we have at the moment is someone who can serve as Board secretary until June. (See box to the right). This is a short-term, not-very-time-consuming commitment, and you could really help us out.

As always, if you have an issue or question that I can address personally or in this format for the whole organization, please email me at (

Remember:  Our strength is our members!

Patti Volz
President, LLI/NOVA