Cancellation Policy (Inclement Weather)

Inclement weather policy:  LLI/NOVA follows the lead of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) regardless of the location of the class when schedules are changed due to inclement weather or area-wide emergencies:

  • If the FCPS close, there will be no IN-PERSON classes or Forums. Scheduled online (such as Zoom) classes or Forums will be held if the instructor is available to do so.
  • If the FCPS delay morning opening, the IN-PERSON LLI/NOVA morning classes and Forums are canceled. Scheduled online (such as Zoom) classes and Forums will be held if the instructor is available to.
  • If the FCPS close early, the afternoon IN-PERSON LLI/NOVA classes are canceled. Scheduled online (such as Zoom) classes will be held if the instructor is available.

Regardless of the weather or road conditions, every LLI/NOVA member must make his/her own decision about whether it is safe to travel.  This includes our instructors.  SIGs, cultural excursions, and social events will take place unless canceled at the leader’s discretion.  When in doubt, check the LLI/NOVA website at