2024 Galleries

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2024 Photography SIG Images

Members periodically select specific subjects or themes for their photographs. The current theme is "The Year in Review - 2023.” This is our sixth annual Year in Review. Members were asked to review the photos they had taken during calendar year 2023 and to select their 10 favorites. The group selected 2 photos from each member to be posted here. The following photos, taken and selected by members, exemplify that theme.

Click on a thumbnail to open the slideshow.

Images in this gallery are the exclusive property of the persons who created them and are shown here by their permission.

Members periodically select specific subjects or themes for their photographs. The current theme is "The Outdoors at Night.” This means you must take a photograph outside after dark.  Think about lighting, any features you think might look good in a photo and how to photograph them. Keep an eye on your exposure to avoid blown highlights. Also beware of camera shake/movement with slower shutter speeds. As always, experiment and have fun. The group selected 1 photo from each participant to be posted here. The following photos, taken and selected by members, exemplify that theme.

Click on a thumbnail to open the slideshow.

Images in this gallery are the exclusive property of the persons who created them and are shown here by their permission.

Members periodically select specific subjects or themes for their photographs. The current theme is "Get Close.” Try to take a photograph of your subject at very close range. This can be a macro photo designed to reveal intricate details not visible to the naked eye. Or it can be simply something you can focus on as close as possible. The key is to maintain sharp focus at very close range. Test the focus limits of your lens. Phone cameras can focus at close range.  The group selected 1 photo from each participant to be posted here. The following photos, taken and selected by members, exemplify that theme.

Click on a thumbnail to open the slideshow.

Images in this gallery are the exclusive property of the persons who created them and are shown here by their permission. 

Members periodically select specific subjects or themes for their photographs. The current theme is "Green Spring Gardens Park.” Photos must be taken at Green Springs Gardens during April, May and June 2024.  We will spread this theme over three months to give everyone ample opportunity to visit and photograph Green Spring Gardens. It will be interesting to see and compare everyone’s individual take on the park. The group selected 1 photo from each participant to be posted here. The following photos, taken and selected by members, exemplify that theme.

Click on a thumbnail to open the slideshow.

Images in this gallery are the exclusive property of the persons who created them and are shown here by their permission.