Favorite Books
Welcome to the Favorite Books Club SIG!

The Favorite Books Club SIG meets monthly to discuss books the group has identified for review. We read a variety of both fiction and non-fiction chosen by the group and facilitated each month by one of the members. We try to select only books available in paperback and that are available in the library. If you love books, come join us! Information on our current choice can be found on this page and in the Events calendar prior to the discussion.
We have transitioned back to in-person meetings at Braddock District Government Center (Supervisor’s Meeting Room).
December – No Meeting
January Meeting
Date/Time: TBD
Selection: TBD
Questions? Contact Lynne Smaldone, lynne.smaldone@gmail.com
Children’s Book Drive – 2024

LLI once again supported Read Early And Daily (R.E.A.D.) with a book drive in May. R.E.A.D. was founded in 2018 by Jennifer Sauter-Price and has made a significant difference in many children’s lives.
A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to the book drive this year. We collected 115 new board books for R.E.A.D. They will be distributed to infants and toddlers in need. When I contacted the head of the organization, Jennifer Sauter-Price, with the result of our drive, her response was “Fantastic!”
Remember, just one book can make a real difference in a child’s life!
Lynne Smaldone
Usual Meeting Dates & Times
We normally meet on the third Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. There are no meetings in December, July, and August. Meeting dates also are published on this site, and any change to the normal dates/times will be noted in the Announcements area above, and in the Events calendar.
Usual Meeting Location
We normally meet at the Braddock District Government Center (Kings Park Library), Braddock Hall Meeting Room, 9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke.
Cancellation Policy
The Favorite Books Club SIG normally follows the LLI/NOVA inclement weather cancellation policy (see the button at right), unless members are notified otherwise by the coordinator.
Join the Favorite Books SIG
If you are an LLI/NOVA member and you would enjoy discussing a variety of books and hearing other members’ views on those books, please log in, then join our SIG by clicking on the button at the right. [The Join button has not been implemented yet.]
Favorite Books Club SIG Members
[This function has not been implemented yet.] Want to know who is a member of the Favorite Books SIG? If you are an LLI/NOVA member, please log in, then click the button at the right.
No Email Address?
Members without email addresses should contact the SIG Coordinator in order to join or to find out who is a member of the SIG.
Favorite Books Club SIG Coordinator
If you have any questions about this SIG, please contact the Coordinator, Lynne Smaldone. (Click on the link for contact information.)