Online Class Materials
Here you will find Class Materials & Information organized by the three yearly semesters (Spring, Summer and Fall). This information is available for review, printing and/or downloading.
Simply click on the “+” symbol to open the session folder for the class you are interested in.
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 25SP01 - Connecting to Family, Friends, and the World! (January 17, 2025)
Class 25SP04 - Unlock the Power of Small Groups: Where Connections Come Alive! (January 16, 2025)
Class 25SP05 - Diabetes: When Sugar's Not So Sweet (January 20, 2025)
Class 25SP07 - Le Cordon Bleu (January 23, 2025)
Class 25SP09 - Write Your Military Story (January 27, 2025)
Class 25SP13 - Knife Skills (February 12, 2025)
Class 25SP14 - Breathing Exercises for Better Brain Function (February 18, 2025)
Class 25SP21 - The Science of Learning (March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2025)
- Preface - The Brain as a Prediction Machine
- A Gentle Introduction to the Free Energy Principle
- Analogy As the Core of Cognition
- Session 1 Notes - Why We Learn
- Session 2 Notes - How We Process New Information
- Session 3 Notes - The Best Ways To Remember
- Session 4 Notes - Mastery
Class 25SP26 - Slow Cooker Recipes That Serve Two (March 20, 2025)
Class 25SP30 - Building a Better Neck (April 1, 2025)
Class 25SP34 - Recipes from Miss Mary Bobo's Boarding House (April 16, 2025)
Below are Spring 2025 classes that were recorded and are available to members to review. Some may be in a video format (e.g., MP4) and some may be a link to a Zoom recording.
You must sign into your account to have access to these classes.
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 23FA43 - Ancient Aegean Civilizations (January 17, 2024)
Class 24SP06 - 25 Quick Bread Recipes (January 24, 2024)
Class 24SP12 - A Brief History of World Religions (February 14, 2024)
- Class video recorded by LRUCC and uploaded to You Tube - click Here
- Class PowerPoint slide deck
Class 24SP13 - Tai Chi, Qigong, and Daoist Philosophy (February 16, 2024)
Class 24SP19 - Cooking from Your Pantry (February 28, 2024)
Class 24SP23 - Biblically Speaking (March 12, 2024)
Class 24SP24 - What is Texas? (March 14, 2024)
Class 24SP26 - The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring Fa La! (March 20, 2024)
Class 24SP28 - What's Next for the U.S. Economy? (March 22, 2024)
Class 24SP29 - Pasta, Pasta, Pasta (March 27, 2024)
Class 24SP04 - Organizing for Seniors (April 8, 2024)
Class 24SP31 - Dementia 101: Raising Awareness, Promoting Prevention (April 11, 2024)
Class 24SP34 - Discussing Kindness and Respect (April 15, 2024)
Class 24SP37 - 30 Ways to Cook Chicken (April 24, 2024)
- 30 Ways to Cook Chicken - Intro
- 30 Ways to Cook Chicken - Flavors of International Cuisines
- 30 Ways to Cook Chicken - Recipes
- Extra Recipe - Chicken in Garlic Walnut Sauce
Class 24SP55 - Park Ranger Grab Bag (May 1, 2024)
Class 24SP43 - Picnic Salads (May 22, 2024)
Below are Spring 2024 classes that were recorded and are available to members to review. Some may be in a video format (e.g., MP4) and some may be a link to a Zoom recording. You must sign into your account to have access to these classes. Use the login dialog in the Summer 2024 Recorded Classes above or the Member Area Login dialog above the green menu bar at the top of the page.
The following content is accessible for LLI/NOVA members only, please sign in.
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 23FA03 - What's Next for the US Economy? (September 15, 2023)
Class 23FA06 - Easy Vegetarian Meals (September 20, 2023)
Class 23FA07 - The 2nd Amendment (September 21, 2023)
Class 23FA08 - What's So Great About a Tree? (September 26, 2023)
Class 23FA20 - The Art of the Automobile (October 16, 2023)
Class 23FA23 - All About Appetizers (October 18, 2023)
Class 23FA30 - 20th Century Lives (October 31, 2023)
Class 23FA37 - Holiday Delights - Recipes, Crafts, & Gifts (November 15, 2023)
- Holiday Delights Cover Page
- Chef's Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Entertaining
- Holiday Entertaining Serving Guide
- Cooking Your Holiday Turkey
- Holiday Savory Recipes
- Sweet Holiday Recipes
- Ten Simple Appetizers for Holiday Entertaining
- Various Holiday Meals and Traditions from Around the World
- Holiday Gifts from the Kitchen
- Holiday Kitchen/Cooking Gift Ideas
- Holiday Survival Guide - Checklist for Quality of Frozen Foods
Class 23FA40 - Electronic Surveillance (November 27, December 4, December 11, 2023)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 23SU09 - Just Desserts (June 14, 2023)
Class 23SU15 - American Art: A Multiplicity of Voices (June 22, 2023)
Passcode: eY52^S27
Class 23SU16 - Money in Politics: A Roundtable Discussion (June 28, 2023)
Class 23SU18 - The American Revolution: More to the Story than You Learned in School (July 11, 2023)
Passcode: 9a#*M^Re
Class 23SU19 - Colors & Creatures:Symbolism in Western Art (July 12, 2023)
Class 23SU20 - Practical Quick and Easy Cooking (July 12, 2023)
Class 23SU21 - Sex After Sixty - How Do We Begin? (July 13, 2023)
Class 23SU27 - Downsizing and Decluttering: You Can't Take it With You (August 8, 2023)
Class 23SU28 - Tiny Foods (August 9, 2023)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 23SP03 - The Great Molasses Flood (January 12, 2023)
Passcode: 7Tim0=6g
Class 23SP05 - Crockpot Cooking (January 18, 2023)
Class 23SP07 - How You Breathe (January 23; February 6, 13, 2023)
Class 23SP08 - Parkinson's Disease: An Insider's View (January 25, 2023)
- Class Handout
- Link to Class Zoom Presentation
- Passcode: 5763V!$v
Class 23SP20 - Chocolate All Day Long (February 15, 2023)
Class 23SP23 - Making Connections: Revisiting Favorites and Exploring New Relationships in Art (February 28, 2023)
- Link to Class Zoom Presentation
- Passcode: fL.?V*L4
Class 23SP26 - Appetizers as Meals (March 15, 2023)
Class 23SP32 - Cooking for One (April 12, 2023)
Class 23SP36 - Navigating Life Transitions (April 20, 2023)
Class 23SP47 - Cooking with Herbs and Spices (May 24, 2023)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 22FA05 - Intergenerational Communication: Problems and Solutions, Part 2 (September 14, 2022)
Class 22FA11 - Muffins, Muffins, Muffins (September 21, 2022)
Class 22FA12 - Underwater Wonders: Strange and Unusual (September 21, 2022)
- Class Recording:
Passcode: R5YVJGc#
Class 22FA13 - From Hollywood to Hiroshima (September 22, 2022)
Class 22FA15 - Digital Literacy: Skills to Survive in the Digital Age (September 28, 2022)
Class 22FA23 - Hearing Aids: Beware and Be Wise! (October 17, 2022)
Class 22FA24 - Rivers of Distress: The World Water Crisis (October 18, 2022)
Passcide: 26N!Kw=F
Class 22FA25 - The Humble Potato (October 19, 2022)
Class 22FA32 - History of American Newspapers (November 1, 2022)
Class 22FA36 - Early Modernist Houses (November 7, 2022)
Class 22FA42 - How to Host an Afternoon Tea (November 16, 2022)
Class 22FA47 - Electronic Surveillance (December 1, 2022)
Class 22FA49 - Religious Philosophies in Jewish and Christian Thought, Part 1 (December 14)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 22SU02 - The 2nd Amendment (June 2, 2022)
Class 22SU05 - Applying the Science of Learning to Improve the Learning of Science (June 14, 2022)
Class 22SU09 - Geologic History of the Chesapeake Bay and Virginia's Barrier Islands (June 21, 2022)
Class 22SU10 - Two Dozen Ways to Serve Chicken (June 22, 2022)
Class 22SU14 - Affective Partisanship: The Disunited States of America (July 29, 2022)
Class 22SU15 - Genealogy (July 28, 2022)
Class 22SU17 - Italian Art: High Renaissance and Mannerism (July 12, 2022)
Class 22SU20 - Cooking Shellfish (July 20, 2022)
Class 22SU23 - Border Search Authority (August 4, 2022)
Class 22SU28 - It's All About Eggs (August 24, 2022)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 22SP04 - Shepherds and Wise Men (January 10, 2022)
Class 22SP05 - A Recipe a Month for the Year (January 12, 2022)
Class 22SP06 - Methane's Role in Climate Change (January 13, 2022)
Class 22SP10 - Power and Perseverance: The African American Perspective (January 26, 2022)
Class 22SP12 - Climate, Sustainability, Hope and Action (February 8, 2022)
Class 22SP14 - The Five Mother Sauces and How to Use Them (February 9, 2022)
Class 22SP16 - Who is Watching Whom? Your Smart TV and Your Privacy (March 8, 2022)
Class 22SP18 - CBD 101: The Health Effects of THC and CBD (February 23, 2022)
Class 22SP21 - Muslims' Belief in a Next Life (March 9, 2022)
Class 22SP24 - Rice Bowls (March 16, 2022)
Class 22SP32 - Before RBG Became Notorious (April 7, 2022)
Class 22SP35 - 100% Pleasure: Low Fat Recipes (April 13, 2022)
- Class Handout - Fat Aptitude Test
- Class Handout - Low Fat Meals - Intro
- Class Handout - Low Fat Recipes
Class 22SP39 - Family Research at the National Archives (April 26, 2022)
Class 22SP45 - Intergenerational Communication - Part 1 (May 12, 2022)
Class 22SP48 - Springtime Brunch (May 18, 2022)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 21FA02 - Afternoon tea Ideas for Fall (September 8, 2021)
Class 21FA03 - Early Renaissance Art in Italy (September 14, 2021)
Class 21FA04 - Mosquito & Tick Management: Pesticide Reduction for Pollinator Protection (September 15, 2021)
Class 21FA05 - Exploring the Denial of Science and the Science of Denial (September 15, 2021)
Class 21FA08 - Time for Monarchs! (September 22, 2021)
Class 21FA10 - Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) (September 23, 2021)
Class 21FA15 - Getting Ready for the Holidays (September 29, 2021)
Class 21FA29 - Drill Baby Drill: A Look at the Major Tool used to Interpret What's Under the Earth (October 21, 2021)
Class 21FA30 - A Short History of Democracy (October 25, 2021)
- Lecture I - Greek Democracy
- Lecture II - The Roman Republic
- Lecture III - The Republican Ideal in Europe
- Lecture IV - Democracy in Europe and America
- Lecture V - Challenges to American Democracy
- Lecture VI - Dystopian Democracy
Class 21FA33 - Sorting Fact from Fiction Online (October 28, 2021)
Class 21FA38 - Plating and Presentation Techniques with Food (November 10, 2021)
Class 21FA39 - How Science Works: What's Involved in Large-Scale Science (November 10, 2021)
Class 21FA43 - Birds as Parents: Raising Young in the Avian World (November 18, 2021)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 21SU01 - Nonverbal Cross Cultural Communication (6/2/021)
Class 21SU05 - Getting the Best from Your Cable Company (6/8/2021)
Class 21SU08 - Growing Old Successfully In Place; the Missing Ingredients (6/10/2021)
Class 21SU09 - Secretary of Labor Francis Perkins (6/15/2021)
Class 21SU10 - Summer Dinner Salads (6/16/2021)
Class 21SU11 - The SALT Richmond Wrap-up (6/17/2021)
Class 21SU17 - Watching TV on the Internet (7/12/2021)
Class 21SU18 - Glorious Greece: Ancient Painting & Sculpture (7/14/2021)
Class 21SU19 - Exploring Choices for Where and How to Live Life to the Fullest and Ensure a Stable Tomorrow (7/15/2021)
- Quality-of-Life Checklist
- Independent Living Checklist
- Framework for Relocation Planning
- Before Signing a CCRC Contract
- Types of CCRC Contracts
- What's a NORC?
- List of Information Resources
Class 21SU21 - No Cooking Required (7/28/2021)
Class 21SU25 - Sexual Selection in Avian Evolution (8/11/2021)
Class 21SU26 - Environment - Our Place in the World (8/12/2021)
Class 21SU27 - Vegetarian Delights (8/18/2021)
- Class Handout 1 - Vegetarian Delights
- Class Handout 2 - Recipes
- Class Handout 3 - Hints for Easy Vegetarian Meals
Class 21SU29 - Genealogy 101 (6/4, 11, 18, & 25/2021)
- Class Handouts - Family Group Sheet
- Class Handouts - Ancestral Chart
- Class Handouts - LLI Genealogy page link
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 21SP01 - Online Shopping (1/12/2021)
Class 21SP05 - Islam in America (2/8 & 2/15/2021)
Class 21SP06 - A Recipe a Month for the Year (1/27/2021)
Class 21SP07 - Monthly Meet Ups
- Session 1 - I've a Bridge to Sell You - Persuasion (1/27/2021) - click link
- Session 2 - Exploring the Gettysburg Address (2/24/2021) - click link
- Session 3 - Chronemics - Spending Time Together (3/24/21) - click link
- Session 4 - We Just Don't Communicate: How Relationships Die (4/28/21) - click link
- Session 5 - We Need to Talk (5/26/21) - click link
Class 21SP08 - Humboldt: Much More Than a Current! (1/28/2021)
Class 21SP11 - 2020 Election Results (2/4/2021)
Fireside Chat - Colombia (2/14/2021)
Class 21SP15 - COVID-19 and Your Immune System
- Part 1 - Class Slides (2/12/2021) not available
- Part 2 - Class Slides (2/26/2021)
Class 21SP21 - 9 x 13 x 2 (2/24/2021)
Class 21SP22 - Creepy Crawlers: To Like or Not to Like (2/25/2021)
Class 21SP23 - Funeral Planning (3/2/2021)
Fireside Chat - Indonesia (2/21/2021)
Fireside Chat - Ghana (2/28/2021)
Fireside Chat - Cote d'Ivoire (3/7/2021)
Class 21SP25 - Knife Skills (3/10/2021)
Fireside Chat - Dominican Republic (3/14/2021)
Class 21SP28 - How Science Works
- Part 1 - Class Slides - The Processes, Nature, and Limits of Science (9/20/2020)
- Part 2 - Class Slides - What's Involved in Large-Scale Science (3/18/2021)
- Session 1 - Brain Health as You Age (3/18/2021) - click link
- Session 2 - Dementia 101 (3/25/2021) - click link
- Session 3 - Understanding & Caring for a Person with Dementia (4/8/2021) - click link
Fireside Chat - India (3/21/2021)
Class 21SP02 - Six Pillars of Brain Health (3/30/2021)
Class 21SP35 - Birding in Central and South America, Part I (4/14/21)
Class 21SP36 - The Life and Death of American Corporations
- Intro - Introduction (4/15/2021) - click link
- Session 1 - The First Corporations (4/22/2021) - click link
- Session 2 - Public Service Corporations (4/29/2021) - click link
- Session 3 - Government Regulation of Corporations (5/6/2021) - click link
- Session 4 - Corporate Constituencies (5/13/2021) - click link
- Session 5 - Schumpeter’s “Creative Destruction” (5/20/2021) - click link
- Session 6 - The Modern Corporation (5/27/2021) - click link
Fireside Chat - South Africa (4/11/2021)
Fireside Chat - Turkey (4/18/2021)
Class 21SP38 - Afternoon Tea Ideas (4/21/2021)
Class 21SP44 - Seafood (5/19/2021)
Class 21SP46 - Civilian Conservation Corps (5/26/2021)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 20FA03 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 1: Social Capital (9/8/2020)
Class 20FA04 - Look Closely: Explore the Elements of Art (9/9/2020)
Class 20FA06 - Decluttering and Downsizing: You Can't Take it With You (9/14/2020)
Class 20FA07 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 2: Social Intelligence (9/15/2020)
Class 20FA08 - Introduction to the Qur'an (9/16/2020)
Class 20FA09 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 3: Active Listening (9/22/2020)
Class 20FA10 - How Science Works: The Process, Nature, and Limits of Science (9/24/2020)
Class 20FA11 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 4: Identity Politics (9/29/2020)
Class 20FA14 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 5: Language and Vulgarity (10/6/2020)
Class 20FA15 - Supporting a Healthy Sense of Well-Being (10/13/2020)
Class 20FA16 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 6: Nonverbal Communication (10/13/2020)
Class 20FA21 - A Short History of Manners (10/22/2020)
Class 20FA24 - Acknowledging the Role of Women in American Art (10/27/2020) - same material for class 20FA31.
Class 20FA25 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 7: Elements of Satisfying Relationships (10/27/2020)
Class 20FA26 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 8: Consummate Love (11/3/2020)
Class 20FA27 - Mindfulness and Techniques for Stress Reduction (11/5/2020)
- Class Handout 1 - Adaptive Yoga Class
- Class Handout 2 - EFT Explanation
- Class Handout 3 - 5 Finger Breathing
Class 20FA30 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 9: Conflict Management Skills (11/10/2020)
Class 20FA31 - Acknowledging the Role of Women in American Art (11/11/2020) - note same material as class 20FA24.
Class 20FA32 - Another Perfectly Good Hour Grab Bag 10: Styles of Parenting and Leading (11/17/2020)
Class 20FA34 - History of Medicine - From Witchcraft to Robots (12/2/2020)
Class 20FA41 - Almost Forgotten Women - Yesterday's Headliners (12/8/2020)
Class 20FA43 - Bauhaus and Art Deco (12/9/2020)
Class 20FA44 - Easily Create Your Home Inventory (12/10/2020)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 20SU01 - Unpacking the Science of Evolutionary Biology (June 2, 2020)
Class 20SU04 - Impact of White-Tailed Deer in Northern Virginia Ecosystem (June 10, 2020)
Class 20SU18 - Consumer Affairs 101 & Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft (July 16, 2020)
Class 20SU25 - The United States and Palestine-Israel (August 27, 2020)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 20SP01 - White Nationalism (January 6, 2020)
Class 20SP04 - How to Change the World (But Not in One Day) (January 21, 2020)
Class 20SP05 - Soups and Stews (January 22, 2020)
Class 20SP17 - The Joy of Cooking (February 19, 2020)
Class 20SP21 - So You Always Wanted to Fly (February 27, 2020)
Class 20SP22 - The Curious Life and Career of Charles Renne Mackintosh (February 28, 2020)
Class 20SP23 - Mindfulness and Techniques for Stress Reduction (March 2 & 9, 2020)
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- EFT Anxiety
- EFT Anxiety 2
- EFT Pain Relief
- EFT Pain Relief 2
- EFT Scale
- Heart Math Quick Coherence
- Meridian Points
- Stress Facts
- Two Wolves Meditation
Class 20SP30 - U.S. Recession in 2020? (May 22, 2020)
Class 20SP31 - Senior Living: Staying Safe, Staying Active - Not Just for Seniors! (April 27, 2020)
Class 20SP32 - Crock Pot Cooking (March 18, 2020)
Class 20SP41 - The World of Pollinators (May 28, 2020)
Class 20SP51 - Mosquitoes & Ticks: Identification, Lifecycles, and Controls (May 14, 2020)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 19FA02 - A Geologic History of Shenandoah National Park (September 9, 2019)
Class 19FA04 - The Life of Prophet Muhammed (September 10, 17 & 24, 2019)
- Class Presentaton for the first session
- Class Presentation for the second session
- Class Presentation for the third session
Class 19FA05 - Have Pots, Will Travel (September 11th, 2019)
Class 19FA06 - Women in Islam (September 11, 18 & 25)
- Class Presentation for the first session
- Class Presentation for the second session
- Class Presentation for the third session
Class 19FA09 - Art Nouveau (September 18 and 26, 2019)
Class 19FA13 - Controversial Presidential Elections in American History (September 20, 2019)
Class 19FA15 - Staging Your Home for Sale (September 26th, 2019)
Class 19FA16 - What happened at Vatican II? (September 26 & October 3, 2019)
Class 19FA23 - Core Principles: From the Back to Beyond (October 4 & 11, 2019)
Class 19FA25 - The Day the Dinosaurs Died (October 27, 2019)
Class 19FA30 - Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare's Sonnets (October 10, 17, 24 & 31, 2019)
Class 19FA33 - From Italy with Love (October 16, 2019)
Class 19FA35 - Washington, Franklin, Pitt, and the French and Indian War (October 18, 25; November 1, 8,15, 2019)
Class 19FA36 - Magic and the Supernatural in Shakespeare's Macbeth and The Tempest (October18, 25, November 1 and 8, 2019)
Class 19FA40 - The Complexity of Identity (October 24, 2019)
Class 19FA45 - Prescription Drugs: From Discovering to Dispensing (November 5, 2019)
Class 19FA50 - Just Desserts (November 13, 2019)
Class 19FA54 - The Ratites: A Look at the World’s Large Flightless Birds (November 20, 2019)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 19SUO7 - Afternoon Tea (June 12th, 2019)
Class 19SU09 - The Past, Present and Future of MD and VA Barrier Islands June 14, 2019)
- Class Notes – Pages 1-4
- Class Notes – Pages 5-8
- Class Notes – Pages 9-12
- Class Notes – Pages 13-25
- Class Notes – Pages 26-38
- Class Notes – Pages 38-50
- Class Notes – Pages 51-63
Class 19SU15 - Unpacking the Science of Evolutionary Biology (July 8, 2019)
Class 19SU15 - Picnic in the Park (July 10, 2019)
Class 19SU16 - A Whole Lot of Fracking Going On (July 17, 2019)
Class 19SU18 - Simple Meals (August 7, 2019)
Class 19SU21 - 80 Years of Computer History (August 22, 29, September 5)
Class 19SU25 - Digital Literacy: TV and Beyond (September 3, 2019)
Class Catalog Number/Class Title/Class Date:
Class 19SP16A - Soups, Stews & Casseroles (February 13th, 2019)
Class 19SP17A - From Italy with Love (March 13th, 2019)
Class 19SP19A - Made in Virginia (April 17, 2019)
Class 19SP26A - Taking Charge of Your Health Using Digital Technology (February 7, 2019)
Class 19SP29A - American Lives: The Progressives (April 11, 18, 25, and May 2)
- Class Notes: The Progressives
- Class Notes: Osawatomie Speech
- Class Notes: Progressivism Bibliography
Class 19SP35A – Saints and Stories in Western Art (March 29 and April 5, 2019)
Class 19SP36A - How to be an Adult: Adult Development (April 12, 2019)
Class 19SP42P - “Facing the Double-V: The Birth of “Segregationism” during WWII” (March 12, 2019)
- Link to presentation (This link will open in a separate tab and you will be taken to the website hosting this presentation)
Class 19SP45P - Scottsboro Boys: The Legal Lynching that Became an International Cause (April 12, 2019)
- Link to Presentaton (This link will open in a separate tab and you will be taken to the website hosting this presentation)